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Commercial Property Feature: Loudoun Tech Center - Bernstein Management News

Commercial Property Feature: Loudoun Tech Center

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Loudoun Tech Center is an office building located on Ridgetop Circle in Sterling, Virginia close to the intersection of Routes 28 and 7, just north of Dulles airport. The building was constructed in 1987 and acquired by Bernstein Management Corporation (BMC) in 1992. It is three stories high containing 84,658 rentable square feet.  

Incredibly, the building welcomed 67,639 square feet of newly occupied tenant space in 2022 to reach 94% occupied. Also renovated in 2022, the Loudoun Tech Center team received BMC’s 2022 Commercial Building of the Year Award due to their demonstrated ability to achieve 94% occupancy, manage a complex renovation project and provide uncommon service to the building’s tenants. Today, Loudoun Tech Center has just one vacancy of 3,251 square feet remaining.  

Bernstein Management Corporation owns and manages over 3.3 million square feet of commercial space throughout Washington D.C., Maryland and Virginia with exceptional care and service. Learn more at

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